It’s that time of year again, where we look back and evaluate the year.
The whole pandemic has been a time of daily re-evaluation and re-assessment. But now, it’s time to sit down, with pen and paper, and be honest with yourself.
–What worked? What didn’t?
–Where did you feel you had no choices?
–What can you do to open options?
–What do you need to get rid of?
–What do you want and need moving forward?
In addition to all this practicality, you need to take some time to dream. This year taught us we can make all the strategic plans, all the three-year/five-year/ten-year plans the “experts” tell us we need – and then we have to throw them out when the unexpected comes our way.
I’m going to use the questions on the Goals, Dreams, and Resolutions site to help me plan.
We need to be versatile, flexible, resourceful, creative.
All those are positive skills.
Now that we’ve discovered we’re far more capable than we realized, we need to decide how we’re going to use these skills moving forward that best serve OUR vision for our lives.