Hello, and welcome to September! I hope you had a terrific, restful August.
I did not, but that’s the way it goes sometimes.
It’s September, hopefully getting somewhat cooler and less humid here in the Northern Hemisphere, and where “new season” things gear up for school, work, etc. in the mad dash before we get into holiday season.
It’s Virgo season, which smiles on organization and details.
This is a great time to clean out your closet, switch over to transitional wardrobe pieces and/or to the winter pieces. It’s a great time to clean off the desk and any pesky filing that’s piled up, or any projects that need to be put away, or set up in a way that makes them easy to work on.
I like to work with project bins. I pull out the materials I need for a specific project (books from my library, files or other research materials, notebooks, visuals, etc.) I put them in a bin, so they are all together, and keep it near me.
If I put a project away before it’s finished, my subconscious believes it’s done, and moves on.
The bin keeps the project materials together. If I need to work offsite, I can just pick it up and take it with me. No hunting around.
Once the project is actually complete, I unpack the bin, put the books back into my library, put the files in the appropriate drawer or binder, archive any necessary materials, and we’re ready for the next one.
This is a good time to clean up social media accounts, update your resume, clean up your website(s). Are all the links working? Have you put protections in place to prevent AI scraping? Is there new information that should be added to your sites? Is your next newsletter in good shape? (I like to set up the document for the new newsletter once I send one out, and add to it until it’s time to send). Set up a block of time to focus just on that type of work.
This is also the time I like to do the big fall housecleaning, so it’s all done by the time the autumn equinox rolls around. Clean baseboards, wash windows, dig into corners that might have gotten dusty over the summer, etc. I swap out decorative fabric seasonally, too, to keep things fresh and festive.
Now you’re ready to answer when opportunity knocks, and you’re ready to pursue your dreams.
What are your favorite fall re-sets? Drop them in the comments!
Besides what you mentioned, one of the things I do is switch from summer menus to fall menus. Once the salad foods are over, I start making soups and stews. I bake bread. Its a seasonal thing that changes four times a year.
That’s a great idea!